
Open Scrolls

Eit svært interessant initiativ til ein omfattande presentasjon av Qumran-materialet på verdsveven blir no teke av Peter Kirby. Det går under namnet Dead Sea Scrolls Online-The Open Scrolls Project. Sitat frå prosjektbeskrivelsen:

"The Dead Sea Scrolls are a body of writings of great interest, not only to dedicated scholars, but also to the public at large. The Open Scrolls project serves both the community of scholars and the general community by producing materials that are:
  • Free.
  • Include the critical text.
  • Include a translation into English, and other languages as resources permit.
  • Integrate with their favorite Bible software program or website, at no additional cost to the user.
  • May be searched and displayed on OpenScrolls.org or other website."
Via Jeffrey Ball på g-megillot.