
Ei klype salt

Og reaksjonane lèt ikkje vente på seg. Alt i dag kan du lese Norman Golbs kommentar, datert i morgon, til San Diego-utstillinga på The Jewish Daily Forward, under overskrifta "Take Claims About Dead Sea Scrolls With a Grain of Salt".
After widely publicized showings in Seattle and in other cities, the largest Scrolls exhibit ever is scheduled to open soon at the San Diego Natural History Museum. A sophisticated media campaign has accompanied all the current exhibits, aimed at convincing the public of the truth of an old, and now increasingly disputed, theory of the Scrolls’ origins — namely, that they were written by Essenes living at the ancient site near the Dead Sea known as Khirbet Qumran.
Ikkje noko nytt frå vestfronten, dette er ein gammal skyttargravskrig, men Golb er når alt kjem til alt den mest interessante opponenten til den såkalla "essenarhypotesen".