Pressemelding frå UCLA: "Virtual Qumran Sheds New Light on Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery Site". Berre ti dagar att.
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Norsk nettsted om Qumran-funnene, populært kalt Dødehavsrullene, jødedom og kristendom i antikken
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VirtualQumran nærmar seg opning. Det skjer 29. juni, i samband med den store Qumran-utstillinga i San Diego Natural History Museum. Eg har omtala både utstillinga og Virtual Reality-prosjektet tidlegare, men no er altså tida komen. Skribenten Tom Tuger i Jewish Journal har fått vere testpilot. Han skriv mellom anna:
After glancing at the nearby caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were stored, I walked through the entrance to the main building at Qumran, checked out the scriptorium with its ink wells and oil lamps and the pottery-making workshop, and then up to the four-story tower for spotting approaching Roman legions.(via
Although it was a hot day, I was perfectly comfortable because my virtual walking tour of the desert settlement was conducted at a sophisticated UCLA computer site, courtesy of the Qumran Visualization Project.
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